By Brian

Ah yes. The event that every avid game fan awaits. E3. This year's show is going to be very exciting. Not only are there some awesome looking games coming out for the PC (Battleground, for example), there are also three new consoles coming out before the next expo! The Nintendo Game Boy Advance, which is already big in Japan, the Nintendo GameCube, and of course Microsoft's X-Box. Why do I say above that the GameCube is going to be the only next-gen console to buy? Well, I have been following it ever since they first mentioned a new Nintendo console code-named the Dolphin. Believe me, there are some absolutely awesome games on their way. Here are some examples:

Just those are enough for me! But that doesn't mean XBox won't be getting any cool games. I've seen some pretty nice ones for it. The Xbox probably won't have much better graphics (if they're better at all) than GameCube, and the only major franchise they have exclusively is Microsoft's own. It will be compeditively priced though, at $300. Hopefully the NGC will be lower than that. With Nintendo's experience, I don't think the upcoming console wars will hurt Nintendo, though I do think the Xbox will do good. And, we all know that Sony's pretty much out of the running, right? With that pitiful release where they couldn't even supply enough systems, and the fact that their graphics will never live up to those of the aforesaid upcoming consoles, I don't think the PS2 is a threat. But then again, the PS shouldn't have been a threat to the N64 or the Dreamcast, and it was, so we shall see.

Since this site is a hobby of mine and Peter's, not a job, we won't be going to E3. However, I can guarantee you that ignpc and igncube will be there (as well as ignps2 and ignxbox, of course), and, as always, will be bringing you the best coverage available. When it's all over, we'll have a wrap-up feature that gives our impressions of E3 and what we are looking forward to. Both Peter and I will give our thoughts.

So now, I send you off to IGN GAMECUBE for the ultimate in next-gen sweetness, and then of course IGN PC to see what is coming to the original gaming machine. And if you are curious, drop by at IGN XBOX every now and then to see what it'll be getting. Welcome, E3!