Guest Reviews:

Star Wars: Dark Forces* (Reviewed by: Jeremiah)
Streets of SimCity
(Reviewed by: Jeremiah)
Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness* (Reviewed by: Jeremiah)

*This game is quite old. Ratings for graphics, sound, etc. are for how they were at the time. By today's standards, these games will have bad graphics and sound. However, they may still be fun and they are here for people who are looking for some good cheep, old games.

Note: We only allow review from personal friends of either of the webmasters, Brian or Peter. If you are a personal friend, feel free to send us your review of any PC game and we will post it here. Please give us the following information minimum:

Game Name
Graphics, Sound, Fun Factor, and Lasting Appeal ratings (we will determine the weighted average)
ESRB rating
Your name (no last names, please)
Your review

You may also give us Pros and Cons, and links to downloads, codes, and info sites.

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