4Christ PC Awards
(Listed in alphabetical order. New games will be added as awarded.)

The Platinum Awarded Games:
(These are the best of the best. As perfect as you can get with a game. No noticable flaws whatsoever. Must buy.)

The Gold Awarded Games:
(These are excellent games. Not perfect, but with no bothersome flaws. Must play, and would be worth buying.)

The Silver Awarded Games:
(Very good games, but with enough imperfections/flaws to keep them from gold. Highly recommended that you play, but buying might require some thought.)

The Bronze Awarded Games:
(Good Games, but not great. Have several imperfections/flaws that keep from silver. These may also be the "sleeper hits"...games that were worthy of mention but didn't get much hype. Worth checking out, but not a must-play. Buying wouldn't be a bad idea, but shouldn't be a high priority.)

©2000 NPC Gamers