Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Released
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo was released yesterday. I have played the demo, and it is very good. It has quite a bit better graphics than the N64, though control is easier on the N64 because of the controller. I don't plan to review the PC game since it is almost identical to the N64 version, so please read my N64 review here.
PC Reviews to look forward to...
The following are games that will probably be reviewed soon (not necessarily in this order, crossed out ones are done):
Worms: Armageddon new and improved complete
review (Brian)
Age of Empires 2 complete review (Brian)
4x4 Evolution brief review (Brian)
Grim Fandango brief review (Brian)
Roller Coaster Tycoon new and improved complete review (Brian)
C&C Red Alert new and improved complete review (Peter)
Review format changed
Ok, from now on the PC reviews will be in the following format:
Producers and Distributors
ESRB rating
Our ratings (sound, fun factor, lasting appeal, overall
weighted average)
Review (intro, graphics, sound, fun factor, lasting
appeal, review and recommendation)
Pros, cons, and objectionable content
Link to page of screenshots (large shots, several in-game
screens, as well as at least one menu screen.)
Comparisons (to sites like ignpc)
This format is very similar to the old one, except that I will no longer have links to the product site, demo download, or codes. This is so that I can write reviews faster and more often. The screenshots will be lare screen captures of in-game action as well as the main menu. I realize these screenshots may take a while to download, but I'm hoping they will be worth it. I do not plan to have thumbnails, just a link to a review page. Unfortunately, some games will not have screen captures due to possible problems capturing the screen, and older games won't to conserve space on this site.
Finally! A little
activity here at PC Gamers Zone!
We're back in business. As you can see, we've added new sections to this site (not to mention moved), but the NPCGamers sections are still the same as they've always been (actually, they're improved). Also, aren't my old reviews pathetic? Go ahead, say they were because, yes, they WERE! However, if you look at my recent N64 reviews, and the reviews coming up, you'll see that my reviews are getting much longer and more thorough. So, I hope that info makes you a little more interested in this site, and that you'll come check us out more often! Here's a glimpse of what's to come here at the PC Gamers section of 4Christ.
Midtown Madness 2 review
Red Alert 2 review
Grim Fandango brief review
I have the top two games, and I'm planning to get GF soon.
Please check back here every month or so for updates. I know we don't crank them out very fast (we've got school and stuff to attend to), but we should have quite a few updates every month. Thanks for your patience!
©2000 NPC Gamers