Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
By: Lucasarts
My Ratings:
Fun Factor-9.5
Lasting Appeal-8.5
Overall (not average)-9.0
Best PC Adventure Game of 1999
Runner Up
Genre: Action/Adventure
Lucasarts has done it again! This is the first fighting game for the Star Wars prequels and it is great! The graphics are as smooth as can be, the lighting effects are awesome, and the sound is great. It is very fun! It is very enjoyable to walk down a hallway and stop lazer fire with your lightsaber, then run up to a battle droid and slice it in half, hearing the crumpling metal as it falls to the ground. Like most other PC games, it is one player, which makes the lasting appeal not that great. But, there are lots of levels, and they get pretty hard, so that helps. The levels are gorgeous, but fairly simple. Just take a few looks at the screenshots at the link below and you'll see what I mean. The people could look better, but they're fine too. You take the place of either Queen Amidala, Qui Gon Jinn, Obi Wan Kenobi, or Captain Panaka, depending on the level you are in. The power ups that you can get are health, weapons, ammo, etc. The only big part of the movie that the game doesn't cover is the podrace sequence, but you still have to talk to Watto and stuff. If you had your heart set on racing pods, get Racer. If you love Episode 1 and you like fighting games, then get this game.
Great sound
Great lighting
Great graphics
No blood/gore
Very fun
Good camera view
Great realism
Realistic voices
People are kind of chunky looking
Qui Gon talks too much
Objectionable Content:
You are constantly fighting and shooting (mostly battle
droids, though)
When people die/droids get destroyed, they fall over and do not
Other's Ratings:
©1999 NPC Gamers