Star Wars: Pit Droids
By: Lucas Learning
My ratings:
Fun Factor-9.0
Lasting Appeal-8.5
Overall (not average)-8.5
Best PC Music of 1999
Runner Up
Genre: Puzzle
Star Wars Pit Droids is by far the best Lucas Learning game based on Episiode 1. Basically what you do is guide little pit droids around so that they go into these little holes and get transported somewhere. The graphics are simple, but fit the game perfectly. The sound affects are adequate, and the music is fine. This game is very fun and can keep you working for hours. It is addictive and has a good lasting appeal for puzzle lovers. At first there is a machine that "spits" pit droids out onto the Tatooine sand. They start walking in a straight line until they walk over a platform that you place. The platform can make all the pit droids go in that direction, or just certain colored ones. The platform directs them in a different direction. You have a limited amount of platforms and the droids cannot collide. If they do, you have to start over. This is one of the few fun games that does not involve fighting, so if you want something Star Wars related that isn't full of fighting, I would recommend this game. It is also one of the better puzzle games, so if you like puzzles, check this one out. The demo is good, so download it before you buy.
Fine, easy to make out graphics
Good sound and music
Very fun and addictive
TONS of levels
Fairly easy at the beginning
Can get boring to a hard core action fan
Objectionable Content:
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