Star Wars Rogue Squadron
By: Lucasarts
My ratings:
Fun Factor-9.0
Lasting Appeal-8.5
Overall (weighted average)-8.75
Genre: Action/Shooter
This is definetly one of my favorite airborn shooter games. It has great graphics and nice landscapes. For sound, it has John Williams' music and great sound effects. It is very fun and easy to control. The lasting appeal is also good because, even after you get to all the levels, you still have to get a gold metal in them all in order to play in the extra bonus levels like the Hoth battle. It also has many ships and levels. You are Luke and, with the Rogue Squadron, you help protect shipments, cities, etc. from the Empire. The ships you can fly are: X-Wing, A-Wing, Snow Speeder, Millinium Falcon, Y-Wing, V-Wing, Naboo Fighter (patch). I don't know what else to say! What more could you want in a game? Great graphics, Star Wars theme, great sound and music, nice looking levels, tons of ships, EVERYTHING! Ya like Star Wars? Ya like shooters? Ya like flying? GET THIS GAME!
Great graphics
Great sound
Awesome ships
Awesome levels
Extremely fun
Character's voices are sometimes hard to understand.
Objectionable Content:
Constant killing
Men on the ground scream when killed
Screen Shots
(click on "screens")
Other's Ratings:
Here are some codes:
Enable Force Feedback
To enable force feedback controllers, o to the Settings screen
and enter the password LEIAWRKOUT. To change their settings,
enter the password GUNDARK.
Free Technology
For instant technology upgrades, go to the Settings screen and
enter the password TOUGHGUY.
Infinite Lives
For unlimited lives, go to the Settings screen and enter the
password IAMDOLLY.
Naboo Starfighter
For a limited time, the Naboo Starfighter patch can be downloaded
Play as an AT-ST
Go to the Settings screen and enter the password CHICKEN.
Sound Test
Go to the Settings screen and enter the password MAESTRO. Once
this is done, go to the High Scores screen and choose
"Concert Hall."
View All Cutscenes
To view all of the cutscenes, go to the Settings screen and enter
the password DIRECTOR. Once you've done this, go to the High
Scores screen and choose "At The Movies."
View Credits
Go to the Settings screen and enter the password CREDITS.
©1999 NPC Gamers