Star Wars X-Wing Alliance

By: Lucasarts

My Ratings:
Fun Factor-8.0
Lasting Appeal-7.5
Overall (weighted average)-8.0

Genre: Flight Sim/Shooter

I'm not going to say much about this game. It isn't terrific. It has better graphics than X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, but not a ton better. The sound is good, and the game is pretty fun. The lasting appeal is pretty good if you play over the internet or over LAN, but if you don't, it gets pretty old. I won't say anything else except that if you like space dogfighting in Star Wars ships, I would consider getting X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter instead of this because of the cost difference.

Same fun dogfighting sim that X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter was
Improved graphics over X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter

Graphics could be better

Objectionable Content:
Constant fighting and shooting

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