For games and movies.

The pinnacle of gaming excellence. Nearly perfect in every category, including an 8.0 or above in content. Final Critique must be a 9.8 or above. Everyone even remotely interested in the genre should buy the game.
A great game, but not perfect. Must score high in all categories, but not necessarily content. Final Critique must be above a 9.0. A must-buy for fans of the genre, and a must-rent for everyone else.
A good game, but with enough flaws/imperfections to keep it from getting a gold. Must score high in most categories, with a final critique of at least an 8.5. A possible buy for fans of the genre, and a recommended rental for everyone else.
Also a good game, but with a few significant problems keeping it from getting a higher medal. Must score high in some categories, but not necessarily most. Final Critique must be an 8.0 or above. Possible buy/must-rent for fans of the genre.


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